[!--TABLE A--Row 1--Column 1, left margin--!] [WELCOME TO 475 MADISON]
Sydney Chen

Sydney Chen is James Hillyer's administrative assistant, and way too smart to be working as — let it be said — a secretary. But she's only two years out of NYU, and she likes the "gal Friday" role for now. She thinks of herself as sort of an Asian-American Katharine Hepburn in "Desk Set." Her parents own a restaurant in Chinatown, and she's aware that her family is an over-achievement cliche: one sister's a surgeon, another's a NASA engineer, and her brother's a lawyer in the Manhattan D.A.'s office. But, an aspiring writer herself, Sydney's content to word-process for James Hillyer, who lets her write the occasional line of copy for an ad. And wait till they see the first-novel she's working on, in which the goings-on at Hillyer, Jones figure quite largely. She's changed the names to protect the innocent — only, from what Sydney can see, nobody's innocent.