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James Hillyer

James Hillyer is driven, driven, driven. At 48, he's CEO of a top-ten agency he co-founded just ten years ago. Problem is, he doesn't have a creative bone in his body. But that's okay. He's a business whiz — and has mastered the art of the schmooze like you wouldn't believe. Plus, he has GQ looks, plays low-handicap golf, and speaks with the seductive voice of a radio announcer (he's done commercial voice-overs when the agency's been in a pinch). Conveniently, in client presentations he has a talent for feigning interest in everything from office supplies to oven cleaners. And he's nice. As his creative director would say, what a concept. But what's with all the travel receipts Hillyer refuses to turn in with his monthly expense report? And why does he keep that desk-drawer locked so carefully — with a combination-lock even his secretary can't open?