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Cy Lefkowitz

No one argues that Cy Lefkowitz is the creative brains behind the agency's success. How could they? He's the one who came up with the copy line that landed them the Bongiorno Pizza account ("We don't deliver. Deal with it.") — the giant account that started the ball rolling. As Senior Copywriter, Cy has masterminded campaigns for Tsunami laundry detergent ("A tidal wave of clean."), Cummings athletic shoes ("Take a hike."), and other clients that have kept billings well into eight figures for the last five years. But lately, Cy has been worrying everyone. Now that his third divorce is final, his beard is more scraggly then ever, his corduroy pants more frayed, his suede wingtip shoes scruffier, and his temper frighteningly short. Is it a simple case of burnout ... or is it something worse?